David Slattery Conservation Architects and Historic Buildings Consultants, Clonskeagh, Dublin 6 ++353 1 269 7357 slatcon@iol.ie

National Materity Hospital Private Clinic, Mount Street Lower, Dublin 2
This is a project which we have been involved as conservation consultants to Reddy O’Riordan Staehli Architects. It comprises four adjoining Georgian houses directly adjacent to the National Maternity Hospital on Holles Street. The existing houses had contained some basic accommodation for nurses and a number of new uses, crucial to the modernisation of the hospital, have been introduced while a complete restoration of the interiors and exteriors (including restoration of brickwork, repointing, stone cleaning and repair, repair of internal joinery and plasterwork) was also undertaken. These new uses include a number of ancillary facilities such as a fertility clinic, administrative facilities, consultants suites and general medical services
It presented a number of interesting challenges in terms of providing new mechanical and electrical services for these areas without compromising the character as well as upgrading the houses in relation to the building regulations by providing double glazing where possible and disabled access. Again this has all been carried out without compromising the existing character of the Protected Structures. Of particular interest on this project was the issue of interconnection between the houses which can often be considered detrimental to the character but was necessary in this case and was carried out without damaging the protected character.